Rivers Bend Coffee Roasters

Brazil Mantiqueira

$16.00$40.00 available on subscription

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Brazil Mantiqueira de Minas is sourced from a family-owned farm in the Mantiqueira de Minas region in the state of Minas Gerais. This region has optimal growing conditions that produce the finest quality green coffee that has gained protected status.

Roast Level: med-dark
Tasting Notes: Brazil Mantiqueira coffee offers a comforting and well-balanced cup with a delightful blend of nutty, chocolate, and sweet notes. Its medium to full body and mild acidity make it an excellent choice for those seeking a smooth and approachable coffee experience, whether enjoyed black or with milk.
Grower: Producers from the Mantiqueira Region
Altitude:1150 masl
Variety: Mundo Novo
Soil: Clay minerals
Region: Mantiqueira Region, Minas Gerais, Brazil
Process: Pulped natural (Honey) and dried in the sun
Harvest: May – September
Certification: Conventional


Select Beans

Brazil Mantiqueira, Breakfast Blend, Columbia Huila Asprotimana, Costa Rica Birri Heredia, Decaf Blend, Ethiopia Sidamo Natural, Falling Leaf, French-blend, Guatemala Huehuetenango, Harvest Blend, House Blend, Kenya Kiambu Gathugu AB, Kona, Lake House Blend, Lennore, Midnight Blend, Rivers Bend ESP, Roaster’s Choice, Rwanda Dukunde Kawa Ruli, Sumatra Takengon Fajar Jeumpa, Tres Rios, Yemen Mocca



Beans Preference

Whole Beans, Ground Beans (French Press), Ground Beans ( Espresso), Ground Beans (Drip), Ground Beans K-Cup (Reusable K-Cup Included), Ground Beans K-Cup (K-Cup NOT INCLUDED)